About the Industry
The U.S. lumber industry is critical to the prosperity and growth of U.S. manufacturing and local communities nationwide. These workers, their families, timberland owners, downstream industries and communities across the country — from Maine to Montana, to Oregon, to Florida — are the reason we advocate for fair trade policies.

500 Manufacturing Facilities
Our facilities are all over the nation adding to the prosperity and growth of a nation.

750,000 Jobs
Around the country, the industry is responsible for over 500 manufacturing facilities operating in the sawmill, millwork, and treating sectors. These facilities support about 750,000 jobs across America, including highly-skilled jobs utilizing robotics and 3D imaging, as well as high-paying skilled jobs that don’t require college degrees and 420 million acres of family-owned timberlands.

420 Million Acres of Timberlands
There are 420 million acres of timberlands owned by 10 million individual family forest landowners.
Policy & Issues
The U.S. Lumber Coalition actively fights to ensure a level playing field for the hardworking men and women of the industry. Here are the key issues.