About Us

The U.S. Lumber Coalition is an alliance of large and small softwood lumber producers from around the country, joined by their employees and woodland owners, working to address Canada’s unfair lumber trade practices. Our goal is to serve as the voice of the American lumber community and effectively address Canada’s unfair softwood lumber trade practices.

The Coalition supports the full enforcement of the U.S. trade laws to allow the U.S. industry to invest and grow to its natural size without being impaired by unfairly traded imports. Continued full enforcement of the U.S. trade laws will strengthen domestic supply lines by maximizing long-term domestic production and lumber availability produced by U.S. workers to build U.S. homes.

Our Industry and Our Communities

The U.S. lumber industry is critical to the prosperity and growth of U.S. manufacturing, local communities, and state economies nationwide. Around the country, the industry is responsible for 500 manufacturing facilities operating in the sawmill, millwork, and treating sectors.  These facilities support 750,000 jobs across America, including highly-skilled jobs utilizing robotics and 3D imaging, as well as high-paying skilled jobs that don’t require college degrees and 420 million acres of family-owned timberlands.

These workers, their families, timberland owners, downstream industries and communities across the country – from Maine to Montana, to Oregon, to Florida – are the reason we advocate for fair trade policies and enforcement.


Lumber Community Voices

Why We Need the Full Enforcement of the U.S. Trade Laws

The enforcement of current U.S. trade laws can ensure free and fair trade. Implementing and enforcing an effective framework that prevents subsidized Canadian softwood lumber producers dumping their product in the U.S.

The U.S. industry is capable of supplying most of today’s lumber demand. And with the proper enforcement of U.S. trade laws, or with the development of a new Softwood Lumber Agreement, more American homes can be built with American lumber milled by American workers.

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