Policy & Issues
The U.S. Lumber Coalition actively fights to ensure a level playing field for the hardworking men and women of the industry. Here are the key issues.
Canadian Subsidies and Dumping
Canada’s lumber subsidies are threatening America’s Main Street economy.
Trade Law and Duties
The enforcement of U.S. trade laws is critical for American lumber manufacturers and timberland owners.
Lumber Supply and Housing Affordability
American lumber producers have the ability to provide most of the domestic demand for lumber, but are handcuffed by unfairly traded Canadian imports.
WTO Dispute Settlement Panel Overreach & Reform
Canada and other WTO member countries are using the WTO to dismantle the U.S. trade laws
Eliminating USMCA Chapter 10 (Formerly NAFTA Chapter 19)
Chapter 10 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) – formerly NAFTA Chapter 10 – unfairly prevents the United States from fully enforcing our trade laws.